According to new research from the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), extreme weather events will keep poor people in poverty in many parts of the world.
The authors of the report, which you can view here, suggest that areas where extreme weather (most notably droughts) is prevalent will continue to be home to the poorest people in the world. They also suggest that if international aid is not used to reduce the risks associated with extreme weather, then the progress already made in fighting poverty could be eradicated.
The ODI report, which is produced in association with RMS and the Met Office, examines in detail the relationship between disasters and poverty, finding that up to 325 million extremely poor people will be living in the 49 most hazard-prone countries in 2030, the majority of which will be in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
Another key message from the report is the link between extreme weather and climate change; suggesting that the latter is increasing and will likely cause more disasters, becoming a major cause of impoverishment internationally. The findings highlight numerous countries most at risk of disaster-induced poverty, including Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Uganda and several others.
How has extreme weather developed in the last century?
It’s widely accepted that this year has seen some particularly extreme weather, with 2012 being no different. But how does the extreme weather of the last 18 months compare to the last century? We’ve come across this excellent infographic from the Air Conditioning Company, which highlights the world’s most extreme weather over the last 100 years:
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