Pretty Posts
The first day of December marks the official start of winter here in the UK, and while most of us are excited to open the first door of our Advent Calendars in the countdown to Christmas, there are those of us who see the winter months as the ultimate test of endurance – a battle through the cold, dark mornings followed closely by the cold, dark nights, all the way through to March, when spring makes a welcome return.
According to research conducted by Twinings English Breakfast tea, more than half of us (59%) find getting out of bed during winter a struggle, Monday mornings presenting the biggest challenge. So, unless you have a dog for an alarm clock (I do, and she’s very effective!), the temptation to press the snooze button repeatedly can prove too much, and a tumultuous day will no doubt ensue. You see, the way you start your day ultimately sets the tone for the rest of it.
With this in mind, Danish design studio ccccccc have put together a delightful GIF for new fitness app 7dailymoves featuring 48 different exercises, all of which can be done from the comfort of your own home. It’s all the get-up-and-go you need to see you through until spring.
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