Pretty Posts
If you’re a regular visitor to Visual Broadcast, you’ll know we love clean, simple design. Our latest discovery is Mapiful – a design collective based in Sweden that works with OpenStreetMap data to produce beautifully minimalistic map posters of any location in the world.
‘Regardless of where you live and what city, country or spot you wish to eternalise – Mapiful takes you there. We bring people’s favourite places to their homes. The city you were born, where you fell in love or just a place that makes your heart skip a beat. Search, zoom and tweak. Within days your unique Mapiful print will arrive in the mail.’
Some of the most popular locations include London:
and New York:
But when they say anywhere in the world, they really do mean anywhere. We’ve had a go at creating our own to show you the four layout styles you can choose from.
And our personal favourite, Pantone:
You can also pan and zoom in on a specific area of your chosen location, like this:
For $60 (that’s under £40) your map poster will be printed on 200gsm matte paper and sent to your home, wherever in the world you may live.
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